Pre Menopause Symptoms

Women in their 40s usually experience these pre menopause symptoms but there are some women who start experiencing this condition in their 30s

Pre menopause symptoms appear within years before menopause or menopause transition period.

The menopause transition period or perimenopause is the time when the ovaries starts to produce less estrogen in a gradual manner. Women in their 40s usually experience these pre menopause symptoms but there are some women who start experiencing this condition in their 30s.

The end of perimenopause signals the start of menopause which is the time when the ovaries do not release eggs anymore. A greater reduction in estrogen takes place in the last months of perimenopause.


Pre menopause symptoms includes irregular periods, mood swings, lower sex drive, fatigue, worse premenstrual syndrome, breast tenderness, vaginal dryness which leads to discomfort during sex, hot flashes and urinary urgency.

Length of time between menstrual periods are either longer or shorter during menstrual irregularity. There are also times when periods are skipped. A space of 60 days or more between menstrual periods is a sign of late perimenopause.

A lot of women experience hot flashes during perimenopause such that the length, severity and frequency of this symptom vary.

Sleeping problems are the result of the hot flashes or night sweating.

A lot of women also experience mood swings, greater chances of depression and irritability, but these signs are also traced to hot flashes.

A change in desire and sexual arousal changes as well but there are still some women with good sexual intimacy prior to menopause.

Vaginal and bladder problems are pre menopause symptoms caused by a reduction in estrogen levels which in turn result in reduction in lubrication and elasticity within the vagina, making sexual intercourse painful. The low levels in estrogen increases your risk of urinary tract infection and other vaginal infections.

The ability of a woman to conceive also lessens during pre menopause. However, it is still possible for the female to conceive as long as she is still menstruating.

Bone problems occur more quickly when estrogen levels decrease which increases your risk of having osteoporosis which is an illness where the individual suffers from having fragile bones. It is advised that the female seek attention or consultation from doctor when starting to experience pre menopause symptoms.

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